27/28 . 04 . 2013
PRICE: 279
CONTACT: filmlab@fest.pt
Colin Arthur is a living-legend of Special Effects! In the 1960’s he was to assistant Ray Harryhausen with his stop-motion model animation movies like the Sinbad films and the original Clash of the Titans! He also created Falkor and other creatures for Never Ending Story. One of the highlights of his career is without a doubt his work with Stanley Kubrick in 2001: A Space Odyssey, where he was responsible together with Stuart Freeborn for the development and production of the Ape masks in the Dawn of Man sequence. Colin also worked with John Millius in Conan, The Barbarian. More recently he and his team at Dream Factory were involved with films such as Open Your Eyes (Abre los Ojos), Sexy Beast and Talk to Her (Habla con Ella).
Colin Arthur applies his knowledge of electronics, mechanical and hydraulic engineering together with sculpture and make up artistry to convey levels of creativity and emotion in fantasy as well as the more realistic. His achievements in the industry have gained Academy Awards and nominations, Goya Award, Special Mention at the Cannes Film Festival for best special effects, Emmy award for special Make-up, and recognition at the New York Producers Festival, among others.
The workshop is to Directors, Art Directors, Production Designers, Film Students, Make-up Artists, Sculptors, Decorative Artists, Prop makers Art Students, or anyone interested in entering the Film Business.
Day one 27 April
Introduction of the participants to Colin and his work, with clips from films and commercial projects. The participants will then be shown various aspects of his work throughout the decades, analysing the evolution and development of both these and some career choices that have endured and served him well. A wealth of anecdotes from the industry, the vital links between directors and the creative teams, the technicians, the actors and the broad spectrum of knowledge required to deliver SFX both creatively and technically. “The impossible we can do, miracles take a little longerâ€!
The participants will be given the option to work on filling moldes with different materials, prosthetics, or make-up in preparation for filming a short sequence. They will be given short tutorials on these subjects and start developing the work under supervision. The class will be divided in two teams, and get an assignment as if they were on a film production. Colin and his wife, Sarah have a wealth of experience on project development from first concepts to the final wrap.
Day Two 28 April
The participants will continue working on their short effects clips with one to one advice when needed.
After the projects have been developed and photographed, the whole class will present and discuss their choices and learn from each other’s work. Colin will give a personal assessment. The participants should be conscious of the reasoning behind their technical and creative decisions at all levels as well as developing an understanding of options taken by their fellow participants. Colin will discuss the importance of accurate budgeting as an essential and necessary part of any work, both before commencement and retrospectively and his views on how to evaluate your own assignment in a production.
The workshop will be held on The King’s College “The Strand Campusâ€, Strand, London, WC2R 2LS, UK.